R - T

Race 07 by Yellowcardes
Race: Caterham by Yellowcardes
Race: The WCC Game by Yellowcardes
Ragnarok Battle offline SAGA by XShido
Ragnarok Battle offline SAGA by Yellowcardes
Ragnarok Battle offline by sergio98
Railroad Tycoon 3 by sergio98
Ratatouille by thinjoe11
Rayman by Esturion
Rayman 3 by Esturion
Rayman Raving Rabbits by Shaoran-Kun
RC Toy Machines by Yellowcardes
Real War: Rogue States by Yellowcardes
Red Faction by Yellowcardes
Red Faction by sergio98
Republic: The Revolution by Nementor
Republic: The Revolution by sergio98
Reservoir Dogs by thinjoe11
Reservoir Dogs by sergio98
Resident Evil Gold: Survivors Edition (1,2,3 y 4) by Pinguin
Resident Evil Gold: Survivors Edition (1,2,3 y 4) by Hanzo
Resident Evil by XShido
Resident Evil (español) by sergio98
Resident Evil 2 by alfonsofeliz
Resident Evil 3 by santiago
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis by Esturion
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis by EMIN3M1
Resident Evil 3 : Nemesis by XShido
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (español) by sergio98
Resident Evil 4 by Xshido
Resident Evil 4 by Don Isauro
Resident Evil 4 by Trap Master
Resident Evil 4 by lagerX
Return to Castle Wolfenstein by Pinguin
Return to Castle Wolfenstein by NEKO-SAN
Revenantby MaaXiita
Richard Burns Rally by sergio98
Rising kingdoms by lordjrs
Rise of Nations by XShido
Rise of Nations by sergio98
Rise of Nations + Expansion by Lord Revan
Rising Kingdomsby sergio98
Risk 2by xavi metralla
Riven: The Sequel to Myst by Yellowcardes
Robinhood: Defender of the Crown by Yellowcardes
Robinhood: The Legend of Sherwood by Yellowcardes
Robinhood: The Legend of Sherwood by sergio98
Robinhood's Quest by Yellowcardes
Robocop by Yellowcardes
Robot Arena 2 by Yellowcardes
Robots by Yellowcardes
Rolland Garros 2003 by sergio98
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 by sergio98
Roller Coaster Tycoon by Yellowcardes
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 soaked + wild by thinjoe11
Roller coaster tycoon 3[español] by sergio98
Rome Total War by Yellowcardes
Rome Total War: Alexander by Yellowcardes
Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion by Yellowcardes
RPM Tunning by Yellowcardes
RTL Winter Games 2007 by Yellowcardes
Rugby 2006 by sergio98
Rugby 2008 by sergio98
Rugby 2008 by Yellowcardes
Runaway by Yellowcardes
Runaway 2 by Yellowcardes
Rune: Halls of Valhalla by Yellowcardes
Rush for Berlin by Yellowcardes
Rush for Berlin: The Bomb by Yellowcardes

Sacred: Underworldby XShido
Sacred Gold by Yellowcardes
Sacrificeby MaaXiita
Sam & Max: Season 1 by Yellowcardes
Sam & Max: Episodio 3 by Esturion
Sanitarium by Yellowcardes
SCAR by Yellowcardes
Scarface: The World is yours by XShido
School Tycoon by Esturion
Scratches: Director's Cut by Yellowcardes
Scratches: La morada del miedo by Yellowcardes
Sea Dogs by Yellowcardes
Seal of evil by XShido
Second Sight by Yellowcardes
Secret of the Lost Cavern by Yellowcardes
Secret Service by Yellowcardes
Sega Rally by thinjoe11
Sega Rally REVO by sergio98
Sega Rally REVO by Yellowcardes
Sega Rally REVO by Fallen Angel
Sensible Soccer 2006 by Yellowcardes
Sepeterra Core by Yellowcardes
Serious Sam: The First Encounter by Yellowcardes
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter by Yellowcardes
Serious Sam 2 by Yellowcardes
Seven Kingdoms by Yellowcardes
Seven Kingdoms: The Fryhtan Wars by Yellowcardes
Severance: Blade Of Darkness by Nementor
Severance: Blade Of Darkness by Yellowcardes
Sexy Beach 3 by LinkTheHero
Shade by Yellowcardes
ShadowFlare by Yellowcardes
Shadow Force by Yellowcardes
Shadow Man by Yellowcardes
Shadowrun by thinjoe11
Shadowrun by Yellowcardes
Shadow Warrior by Yellowcardes
Shellshock: Nam 67 by sergio98
Sheep, Dog n' Wolf by Yellowcardes
Sherlock Holmes: The mystery of the Mummy by Yellowcardes
Ship Simulator 2006 by Yellowcardes
Shock Force by raike4
Shogo by Yellowcardes
Shogun Total War by Yellowcardes
Shrek Super Slam by Yellowcardes
Shrek The Third by Yellowcardes
Shrek The Third by Hiro Nakamura
Sid Meiers's Alpha Centauri by raike4
Sid Meiers's Pirates by Yellowcardes
Sid Meiers's Railroads by Yellowcardes
Siege of Avalon by Yellowcardes
Silent Hill Lost Memories by Don Isauro links completamente corregidos thx to kokoro444 ke me aviso
Silent Hill 1 by thinjoe11
Silent Hill 1 by Pinguin
Silent Hill 2 by Don Isauro
Silent Hill 2 (multilenguaje) by Don Isauro
Silent Hill 3 by Don Isauro
Silent Hill 3 by thinjoe11
Silent Hill 3 (español) by Don Isauro
Silent Hill 4 by Don Isauro
Silent Hill 4 by thinjoe11
Silent Hunter 4 by [b]thinjoe11/B]
Silver by sergio98
Silverfall by Yellowcardes
Simpson Hit & Run by Pinguin
Simpson Hit & Run by juan12
Simpson Vritual Springfield by sergio98
Sims: 8 en 1 Mega Pack by XShido
Sims: 6 en 1 by [b]sergio98[/B
Sims 1 original by Pedrex
Sims 1 (RIP) by cechudella
Sims magia potagia by Yellowcardes
Sims 1 full by vader
Sims: De vacaciones by Yellowcardes
Sims: Historias de la Vida by XShido
Sims: Historias de la Vida by sergio98
Sims: Petstories by XShido
Sims: Theme Park by Yellowcardes
Sims: Theme Park by sergio98[/B
Sims 2 by sergio98
Sims 2 by Don Isauro
Sims 2: Abren Negocios by XShido
Sims 2: Bon voyage by sergio98
Sims 2: De Fiesta by sergio98
Sims 2: Noctambulos by XShido
Sims 2: Mascotas by XShido
Sims 2: Decora Tú Familia by XShido
Sims 2 H&M Moda Accesorios by Eldigitos
Sims 2 FASHION PACK by vader
Sims 2: Las Cuatro EstacionesbyXShido
Sims 2 Open for business by vader
Sims 2: Teen Style by thinjoe11
Sims 2: Todo Glamour by XShido
Sims 2: Universitarios by XShido
Sims 2: Universitarios by vader
Sims 2 Vida nocturna by vader
Sims 2: Vida nocturna y Noctambulos by Don Isauro
Sims 2: Xmas Party Pack by XShido
SimCity: Societies by thinjoe11
SimCity: Societies by Yellowcardes
SimCity: Societies by extrameboy27
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition by KARLOZ
SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition by Yellowcardes
SimCity 2000 by sergio98
SIN by Yellowcardes
SIN Episode 1 by thinjoe11
Singles 2: Triple Trouble by Nementor
Shogun Total War by XSido
Smackdown vs Raw 2007 by sergio98
Sniper: Art of Victory by thinjoe11
Sniper: Elite (español) by sergio98
Sniper: Path of Vengeance by Pinguin
Soldier of Fortune by sergio98
Soldier of Fortune: Payback by thinjoe11
Soldier of Fortune: Payback by sergio98
Soldier of Fortune: Payback by extrameboy27
Soldiers at War by Yellowcardes
Soldiers of Anarchy by Yellowcardes
Solo o con Leche by Yellowcardes
SolSuite 2006 by Yellowcardes
Soulbringer by Yellowcardes
Sonic Adventure DX by sergio98
Sonic Adventure DX by Xshido
Sonic Adventure DX (RIP) by henry coronel
Sonic Heroes by sergio98
Sonic Mega Collection Plus by Yellowcardes
Sonic Riders by Don Isauro
Sonic Riders by Yellowcardes
Sonic Riders by sergio98
Sonic R by raike4
Space Empires V by sergio98
Spaceforce: Rogue Universe by Yellowcardes
Space Rangers 2 by Yellowcardes
SpaceStationSim by Yellowcardes
Sparta by sergio98
SpeedBall Tournament 2 by thinjoe11
SpeedBall Tournament 2 by extrameboy27
Speed Busters by Yellowcardes
Spellforce: The Order of Dawn by sergio98
Spellforce: The Breath of Winter (exp) by sergio98
Spellforce: Shadow of the Phoenix by Yellowcardes
Spellforce 2 Shadow Wars by Don Isauro
Spellforce 2 Dragon Storm (expansion) by thinjoe11
Spider Man (remake de la version psx) by Yellowcardes
Spider Man (remake de la version psx) by Corbin Bleu
Spider Man 1 by Yellowcardes
Spider Man 2 by Yellowcardes
Spider Man 3 by sergio98
Spider man 3 by shaoran-kun
Spiderman: the movie by XShido
Spiderman: Friend or Foe by thinjoe11
Spiderman: Friend or Foe by sergio98
Splinter: Cell Pandora Tomorrow by XShido
Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory by Don Isauro
Splinter Cell: Double Agent by thinjoe11
Sports Car GT by sergio98[/B
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. by XShido
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. by Fallen_Angel
StarCraft + BroodWar (expansion) + serial para Battlenet by darklink solo sirven los links del Broodwar
Starcraft + Expansion Set: Brood War (Español) by lordjrs
Starcraft+Broodwar by Vader
Starcraft: Brood War (Bnet activo) by LinkTheHero
Starcraft Insurrection by Vader
Starsky and Hutch by Yellowcardes
Star Defender 3 by Nementor
Starship Troopers by Yellowcardes
Starships Unlimited II by Yellowcardes
Star Topia by Yellowcardes
Star Trek: Armada II by Yellowcardes
Star Trek: Elite Force 2 by Yellowcardes
Star Trek: Legacy by Yellowcardes
Star Trek: Starfleet Command by Yellowcardes
Star Trek: Starfleet Command 3 by Yellowcardes
Star Wars: Battlef for Naboo by Yellowcardes
Star Wars: Battlefront 1 by Yellowcardes
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 by Don Isauro
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (RIP) by Santiagomaravillas
Star Wars: Dark Forces by Yellowcardes
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds Saga by Yellowcardes
Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption by sergio98
Star Wars: Episode 1 Phantom Menace by Yellowcardes
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer by LinkTheHero
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by josemauricio93m
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by Corbin Bleu
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic1 y 2 español by sergio98
Stars Wars: Jedi Knight Saga by Qlimax
Stars Wars: Jedi Knight Dark Forces & Mysteries of the Sith by Yellowcardes
Stars Wars: Jedi Knight II Outcast by sergio98
Stars Wars: Jedi Knight II Outcast by NEKO-SAN
Stars Wars: Jedi Academy by XShido
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds + Clone Campaigns (expansion) by Don Isauro
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga by XShido
Star Wars Republic Comando by Yellowcardes
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire by Yellowcardes
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire by LinkTheHero
Star Wars Starfighter by Yellowcardes
Star Wars TIE Fighter by Yellowcardes
Star Wars Republic Comando by sergio98
Star Wars X-Wing by Yellowcardes
Star Wars X-Wing by sergio98
Star Wars X-Wing Alliance by Yellowcardes
Star Wars X-Wing vs TIE Fighter by Yellowcardes
Stars Wars: Yoda Stories by sergio98
Star Wolves by Yellowcardes
Star Wolves 2 by Yellowcardes
Stepania by Yellowcardes
Still Life II by Yellowcardes
Stolen by Nementor
Stolen by sergio98
Stranger by thinjoe11
Stranglehold by sergio98
Street Figther 2 by Zero x
Street Legal Racing: Readline by XShido
Street Legal Racing: Readline by Yellowcardes
Street Racing Syndicate by XShido
Street Wars by Yellowcardes
Stronghold Crusader by Yellowcardes
Stronghold Legend by Yellowcardes
Stronghold Warchest by Yellowcardes
Stronghold II by Yellowcardes
Stubbs: the zombie by Yellowcardes
Stunt GP by Yellowcardes
Stygma by Yellowcardes
Sudden Strike 3 by sergio98
Sudeki by Catalunya
Sudeki by Don Isauro
Surf Up by sergio98
Sudoku by Yellowcardes
Summoner by Yellowcardes
SunAge by sergio98
Superbike 2001 by Trap Master
Superbikes Riding Challenge by B]Yellowcardes
Super Mario War by raike4
Supaplex by Yellowcardes
Supreme Commander by thinjoe11
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance by thinjoe11
Surfs Up by Yellowcardes
Sven 7 - Mach's Noch Einmal by Yellowcardes
SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle by Yellowcardes
S.W.A.T. 4 by XShido
S.W.A.T. 4 by the_chris2007
S.W.A.T. 4 The Stetchkov Syndicate (expansion) by thinjoe11
Swashbucklers by sergio98
SwitchFire by Yellowcardes
Sword of the Stars by raike4
Syberia by Yellowcardes
Syberia II by Yellowcardes
System Shock 2 by Yellowcardes
System Shock 2 by sergio98

Tactical Ops:Assault on Terror by Yellowcardes
Tackyon The Fringe by Yellowcardes
Taz Wanted by Yellowcardes
Tc 2000 by Yellowcardes
TrackMania united by Pinguin
Tarzan by Trap Master
Taxi 3 eXtreme Rush by Nementor
>--Taxi 3 eXtreme Rush (segunda parte)
TC 2000 by Corbin Bleu
Technomage by Yellowcardes
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by XShido
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-Mutant Melee by XShido
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus by XShido
Tennis Masters Series 2003 by sergio98
Tennis Titans by Yellowcardes
Tennis Titans by Corbin Bleu
TERMINATOR 3 - War of the Machines by Trap Master
Terror Strike: Close Quarters Combat by Yellowcardes
The Curse Of Monkey Island by Yellowcardes
Test Drive by thinjoe11
Test Drive by Pinguin
Theatre of War by Yellowcardes
The Dark Legions by Yellowcardes
The Devil Inside by Pinguin
The Dig by Yellowcardes
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind by Yellowcardes
The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon by Santiagomaravillas
The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon by Yellowcardes
The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal by Yellowcardes
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion by Don Isauro
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion by sergio98
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + Expansiones by Hanzo
The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine by Yellowcardes
The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles by Yellowcardes
The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles by Yellowcardes
The Gladiators by Yellowcardes
The Guild 2 by Yellowcardes
The Heat of War by Yellowcardes
The Hell in Vietnam by thinjoe11
The Hobbit by Yellowcardes
The House of the Dead 2 by Yellowcardes
The I of the Dragon by Yellowcardes
The Longest Journey by sergio98
The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth (español) by XShido
The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth (español) by Yellowcardes
The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth (español) by sergio98
The Lord of The Rings: Battle for the Middle Earth 2 by XShido
The Lord of The Rings: Battle for the Middle Earth 2 (multilenguaje) by Don Isauro
The Lord of The Rings: Battle for the Middle Earth 2 by Naldo & Naire"s
The Lord of The Rings: Battle for the Middle Earth 2: El Resurgir del Rey Brujo by sergio98
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King by XShido
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (RIP) by NarutoShinobi
The Lord of the Rings: War of the ring by XShido
The Lord of the Rings: War of the ring by sergio98
The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar by sergio98
The Lost Vikings 2 by Yellowcardes
The Mark by Yellowcardes
The Mummy by josemauricio93m
Theme Hospital by Pinguin
The Plan by Yellowcardes
The Political Machine by Yellowcardes
The Punisher by XShido
The Punisher by EMIN3M1
Throne of darkness by XShido
The Secrets of Atlantis by Yellowcardes
The Settlers: Heritage of Kings + Expansiones by XShido
The Settlers: Rise of an Empire by thinjoe11
The Shield by Yellowcardes
The Ship by Yellowcardes
The Simpsons Cartoon Studio by Yellowcardes
The Suffering by XShido
The Suffering 2 Ties that Bind by XShido
The Sum of All Fears by Yellowcardes
The Temple of Elemental Evil by Yellowcardes
The thing (la cosa) by Esturion
The Witcher by thinjoe11
Thief by raike4
Thief Gold by Yellowcardes
Thief by Yellowcardes
Thief II by Yellowcardes
Tiger Woods: PGA tour 07 by XShido
Timeshift by emurader1987
Titan Quest: Immortal Throne by Yellowcardes
Toca Race Driver 3 by raike4
Tom Clancy´s Splinter Cell by XShido
Tom Clancy´s Rainbowsix Vegas by thinjoe11
Tom Clancy´s Rainbowsix Lockdown by Yellowcardes
Tom Clancy´s Rainbowsix Rogue Spear by Yellowcardes
Tom Clancy´s Rainbowsix Rogue Spear: Black Thorn by Yellowcardes
Tom Clancy´s Rainbowsix 3: Raven Shield by Yellowcardes
Tom Jun Goong by Yellowcardes
Tom & Jerry: Fists of Furry by Yellowcardes
Tomb Raider El angel de la oscuridad by Esturion
Tomb Raider Anniversary by XShido
Tomb Raider 5: Chronicles by sonicjorge
Tonka on the Job by extrameboy27
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland by XShido
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 by Yellowcardes
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 by Yellowcardes
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 by Yellowcardes
Tony Hawk's Underground 2 by Yellowcardes
Top Spin by Yellowcardes
Torrente 3 by Yellowcardes
Tortuga: Two Treasures by Yellowcardes
Total Club Manager 07 [PC] by ivantown
Total Annihilation by Yellowcardes
Total Club Manager 2005 by Yellowcardes
Top Spin 2 by Don Isauro
Toy Story 2 by Yellowcardes
Trackmania Nations by sergio98
Trackmania United by sergio98
Train Simulator by Yellowcardes
Transformers by Yellowcardes
Transformers by chechudella
Transformers by Corbin Bleu
Transport Giant (Gold edition) by Yellowcardes
Trevor Chan’s Restaurant Empire by Yellowcardes
Tribes 2 by Yellowcardes
Tribes 3: Vengeance by Nementor
Tricked n' Tunned by Yellowcardes
Trivial Pursuit by Yellowcardes
Tron 2.0 by Yellowcardes
Trophy Hunter 2007 by Yellowcardes
Tropico by Yellowcardes
Tropico 2: Pirate Cove by Nementor
TrucoTec by nachoskee
True Love by andres felipe
True Crime by Yellowcardes
True Crime: Streets of LA by Yellowcardes
True Crime: New York City by EMIN3M1
True Crime: New York City (RIP) by kakashi...
Tony Hawk Underground 2 by XShido
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter by Yellowcardes
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter by NarutoShinobi
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter by LinkTheHero
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil by Yellowcardes
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil by sergio98
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil by LinkTheHero
Turok Evolution by XShido
TV Giant by [b]Yellowcardes/B]
Two Worlds by XShido
Two Worlds by Yellowcardes
Two Worlds by thinjoe11
Twisted Metal 2 by vader
Twinsen's Odyssey by XShido
Tycoon City New York by thinjoe11

Hora Clan Dark
Puestos del Clan Dark
1º dark
2º the big boss
3º the emo
4º takeshi
5º josh

nota: cada semana cambian los puestos

total de gnt del clan : 13
Agreganos a Favoritos
Calendario del Clan Dark
Te,peratura del Clan Dark
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